Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doing it the old fashioned way

My name is Adele and I'm an addict. A technology addict that is! I'm never to be found without my blackberry and mobile (yes, I know the fruit is a 'phone, but I hate using it as one!) I have an ipod seemingly glued to my ears and I'm typing this on my laptop. That's not the end of it though, oh no, stand back, this is where it gets geeky!

I also have an Asus Eee Pc running Linux and a zpen which I thought would be useful for when I come to write essays (I can recommend the zpen by the way, but take note, it doesn't work too well on Linux) and of course the obligatory 3g pen so I have my nice portable internet connection.

So why is it, with all these machines that go bing, I've taken to using a proper old fashioned diary? Yes, it's true, I've bought myself a posh Moleskine diary and have fastidiously written all my study weeks, essay dates, weddings and other appointments in and have taken to carting it round in my handbag.

Am I coming completely mad?


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