Friday, January 16, 2009

Here goes nothing!

Well, Monday morning is when it all starts.

The AA100 website gets opened to the students who are starting in February - and I guess that's me.

Gone are the days of lounging around in the house or sleeping on the train, now, wherever I go, I'll have a course book in my hand. I'll be mumbling artistic things in my sleep, and probably getting really good at pub quizzes!

This is now my 3rd time at trying my hand at a degree, the first one I failed, and the 2nd, I moved to England and it would have been too complicated getting onto a similar course down here, so here I am, 3rd time lucky!

I'm optomistic about this one however. I decided a while ago that I would like to do a degree in History, but not for any particular career development thing, just to keep me occupied and "better myself", and because of that reason, I think I'm going to do better at this degree than the others. I'm not doing it because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to and that's it - plus it's a topic that I'm actually interested in, Rab Kiddie would have been proud (He was my History teacher at school!)

So here I am, enjoying my last weekend of freedom, and planning out my workload.

My theory is simple (well, to me anyhow), I spend 4 hours a day commuting to and from my work at the National Archives. Normally this is just spent asleep or listening to my Ipod. Well, no more. By my reconing, I need to do around 16 hours of studying a week. I've already earmarked Sunday mornings for that, about 5 hours, so doing 2 hours study during my 4 hour commute per day should bring me up to 15 hrs, with an extra hour to squeeze in somewhere if needed (and lets face it, I've still got 10 hours of commuting time when I'm not studying!).

Fingers crossed!

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